It takes a woman, a soul so pure,

To see the best part of me, to endure.

Through all that I am, flawed and frail,

She lifts me up, her love shall prevail.

Her eyes, like gems, reflect my worth,

A mirror of kindness, a gentle berth.

In her embrace, I find solace and peace,

A haven of love that will never cease.

Whenever I’m troubled, burdened with strife,

She becomes my shelter, my guide through life.

With words so soothing, she calms the storm,

Her presence a balm, my heart to transform.

When I’m alone, lost in the dark,

She’s the beacon that ignites my spark.

Her laughter echoes, like a serenade,

Dispelling shadows, bringing light to the fade.

Oh, she’s not just a lover, but a friend so true,

A confidante, a companion who sees me through.

In her embrace, I find strength and reprieve,

A bond unbreakable, in her I believe.

It takes a woman, with a heart so pure,

To see beyond flaws, to love and endure.

Through all that I am, she holds my hand,

A precious gift, from fate’s divine command.